Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Easter Reading

Easter always sneaks up on me.  While I am so excited that the snow has melted and we can venture outside without our gear, I just can't get my mind around the fact that Easter is right around the corner.  This year I am trying not to be so last minute as I have been in the past few years.

One thing we do get to do every year is read a few of our favorite Easter books.  While some of them are about the real meaning of Jesus death and resurrection, there are some other beautifully written books out there that really capture my heart.

We were at the book store today and I had to get my hands on my very own copy of this:

The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes Gift Edition with Charm

There are a few rare gems out there that are so well written that no matter how many times I read it, it almost makes me cry.  Books like Charlotte's WebThe Animal Hedge, and The Paper Princess.

In this story there is a bunny and she has hopes to be one of the five Easter bunnies that deliver the eggs each year.  No one thinks that she can do it and "The little girl Cottontail grew up to be a young lady Cottontail.  And by and by she had a husband, and then one day, much to her surprise, there were twenty-one Cottontail babies to take care of."  Hee hee, isn't that so cute!

Well this mama bunny really shows them that she is wise, kind, and swift, but also the bravest of all bunnies!  I'm so happy this book has become a tradition in our family to read every year.

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