And here I go with being vulnerable!
The year started out with a trip to Disney... Need I say more?

Ok, I will say that these two lovely people came with us. Actually, they basically took us!

February and March
Spending a lot of time indoors waiting for the snow to melt and the temperature to rise above the teens.
There was skating lessons:

and a lot of pretending it was summer:

We had some snow but it warmed up pretty quickly. We spent Easter with friends. I didn't get any pictures of dresses or of the day itself. All in all Easter in Minnesota is not widely embraced (other than a religious holiday - it is the day we celebrate Jesus defeating death! He is risen, risen indeed!). It is still quite cold here and nothing is growing yet. Still brown grass and leafless trees. We did have some bare feet though:

We started to visit the Arboretum again. There is a very short window when we can go into the woods without being attacked by monster mosquitoes!

And we can't forget about Emma's birthday!

There was a lot of Girl Scout "flying up"

Abigail's birthday

And some "beach" time.

Well, that is about half the year and this post is getting very long. I will post the second half of the year tomorrow. I'm sure we will be resting some after staying up late tonight! Happy New Year!
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